Walaker Ranch rockhunt a GO!

Third Update for Walker Ranch Rockhunt, October 9 – 13, 2013.


I’m back from California and knee deep in email and deposit checks. We now have 30 people signed up so THE WALKER FIELD TRIP IS DEFINITELY ON!!

In fact, the Walker trip has been expanded from three days to five days: It will run from Wednesday, October 9, though Sunday, October 13. You can hunt one day or all five. Here’s how the fee structure works:

Hunt 1 day for $75
Hunt 2 days for $150
Hunt 3 days for $150 (free day)
Hunt 4 days for $185
Hunt 5 days for $220

If you pay for 3 days, you can hunt any 3 out of those 5. If you have already signed up for 3 days, you can email me that you want to hunt all 5, and pay the difference when you get here. I will be in the office of the Antelope Lodge at 8 a.m. each day of the hunt to check people in and collect the remainder of the fees due. Then I’ll take you out there, give you a map and the combination to the gate, and get you oriented to where the good agate is likely to be. After that, you can come and go as you please during your days of hunting. Please let me know which day will be the first day of your hunt. That way, if you’re late, I’ll know to wait for you.

I’ll also be leading other field trips before and after the Walker Ranch hunt. On Monday and Tuesday, October 7th and 8th, I will be leading trips down to East Needle Peak. The cost for those trips is $40 per person.

On Monday, October 14, and Tuesday, October 15, I’ll be leading trips to the Ritchie Ranch near Alpine. Cost for these trips is $5 admission fee and $1 per lb. for the rock you take.

Remember that you need to join the Rollin Rock Club, or be a member of a club that has passed a resolution accepting my hunts as “official” club hunts, to go! Cost for RRC is $10/year single membership.

Here is the list of people I have signed up and the amounts I have received in deposits:

Allen, Randy: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: $75
Allison, Linda: 1 person for 2 days. Deposit paid: 0
Ash, Bill: 2 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: $150
Brownfield, Steve & Annabel: 2 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: $150
Cantou, Pierre: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: $150
deHoyos, Joe: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: $150
Dillon, Matt: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 0
French, Johnny: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: $150
Fritz, Glen & Patillo, Sue: 2 people for at least 1 day. Deposit paid: $150
Green, Ralph: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 0
Herman, Bryan & Kim and Moore, Chuck & Pam: 4 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: $300
Herrick, James: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: $5
Houston, David: 1 person for 1 day. Deposit paid: 0
Houston, Travis and Alfreda: 2 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: $150
Kendall, Jim: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: $150
Maple, Julia: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 0
Martin, Brice & Mary: 2 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: $150
Polve, Kiney, Vicky & David: 3 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: $225
Tindell, Ed: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 0
Waugh, Steve: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: $75
Welch, Bob: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 0
Roberts, Terry: 1 person for 3 days.
Bell, Troy: 2 people for 3 days.

Please let me know if there are any errors or changes needed in the list. Thanks!


P.S. I don’t have email addresses for Pierre Cantou or Glen Fritz and Sue Patillo. Can someone make sure they get this email? THANKS!

Second Update for Walker Ranch Rockhunt, October 11 – 13, 2013

As of now, we have 19 people signed up plus 7 maybes.  Here’s the list of people who have signed up.  If you’ve sent me an email and are not on the list, please email me again.

Allen, Randy:    1 person for 3 days

Allison, Linda   1 person for 2 days

Ash, Bill           2 people for 3 days

Brownfield, Steve & Annabel   2 people for 3 days

Dillon, Matt     1 person for 3 days

French, Johnny            1 person for 3 days

Green, Ralph    1 person for 3 days

Herrick, James            1 person for 3 days

Houston, Travis & Alfreda 2 people for 3 days

Kendall, Jim     1 person for 3 days

Maple, Julia     1 person for 3 days

Martin, Brice and Mary,          2 people for 3 days

Tindell, Ed        1 person for 3 days

Waugh, Steve  1 person for 3 days

Welch, Bob       1 person for 3 days



Roberts, Terry 3 people for 3 days

B. & K. Herman 2 people for 3 days

C. & P. Moore  2 people for 3 days

As I haven’t heard from everyone I expect to hear from, I believe the trip will take place.  So send in your deposits!  If you decide to go between now and the 23rd, send me the deposit and I’ll add you to the list when I get back.

I’ll be out of town from 6th to 23rd, so there will be no emails from me in that time.

If you are planning to attend the hunt, please send me your deposit of $75 per person.  Make the check out to Bryan Crumpton, and send it to me, Teri Smith, at 509 N. 8th Street, Alpine, TX  79830.  If the field trip does not happen, I’ll either void checks and destroy them, or void them and mail them back to you (your choice).

For those who are interested, dry camping on ranch is okay, either with a tent or a small trailer or RV.  Large trailers and RVs may have difficulty with the road coming in.

I am working on other field trips around the same time.  There’s also a possibility that the Walker Ranch can be open during the week before the announced field trip for a couple of days, if you want to hunt longer than 3 days, or can’t make it on the weekend.  If you wish to hunt longer at the Walker, or at other places while you’re out here, please include that information with your deposit or send me an email.  I’ll try to make it all happen!

Hope to hear from a bunch of you soon.  We had a great time during the spring hunt, and lots of spectacular rocks were found.  It should be just as much fun this time!



Update for Walker Ranch Rockhunt, October 11 – 13, 2013.

Email sent Tuesday, 9/3/13

As of now, we have 13 eople signed up plus 3 maybes.  Here’s the list of people who have signed up.  If you’ve sent me an email and are not on the list, please email me again.

Allen, Randy:    1 person for 3 days

Allison, Linda   1 person for 2 days

Ash, Bill           2 people for 3 days

Brownfield, Steve & Annabel   2 people for 3 days

Dillon, Matt     1 person for 3 days

French, Johnny            1 person for 3 days

Herrick, James            1 person for 3 days

Kendall, Jim     1 person for 3 days

Maple, Julia     1 person for 3 days

Tindell, Ed        1 person for 3 days

Waugh, Steve  1 person for 3 days




Green, Ralph

Steele, TM

Welch, Bob

Roberts, Terry 3 people for 3 days


Although this is the start of a good turnout, it’s not enough for the trip to “make”.    We need 7 more signups at least for the trip to happen.  If possible, I would like to have them by this Thursday (yep, day after tomorrow) as I’m leaving on Friday for two weeks.


I’ll be out of town from 6th to 23rd, so there will be no emails from me in that time.  That’s why I want to know that the trip will happen, as the attendees need to make their plans.


If you are on the list of those who are coming, please send me your deposit of $75 per person.  Make the check out to Bryan Crumpton, and send it to me, Teri Smith, at 509 N. 8th Street, Alpine, TX  79830.  If the field trip does not happen, I’ll either void checks and destroy them, or void them and mail them back to you (your choice).


For those who are interested, dry camping on ranch is okay, either with a tent or a small trailer or RV.  Large trailers and RVs may have difficulty with the road coming in.


I am working on other field trips around the same time.  There’s also a possibility that the Walker Ranch can be open during the week before the announced field trip for a couple of days, if you want to hunt longer than 3 days, or can’t make it on the weekend.

Hope to hear from a bunch of you soon.  We had a great time during the spring hunt, and lots of spectacular rocks were found.  It should be just as much fun this time!



Walker Ranch Rockhunt Planned for October 11 – 13, 2013


We’re planning a 3-day Walker Ranch field trip for the second weekend in October, 2013.  The dates are the 11th, 12th, and 13th.

We’ll need to have a minimum of 20 people who have paid their deposits by September 30 for the rockhunt to happen. The price is still the same: $75 per person per day, or $150 per person for all 3 days. Those of you who have been here know that this ranch is certainly worth the price of admission. There have been several good rains, so there ought to be lots of material visible on the surface.  If you haven’t been to the Walker Ranch, check out my website, www.terismithrockhunts.com, for information and photos.

Please email me back if you’re interested, at agatehunter@sbcglobal.net (or reply to this email), and let me know how many people will be in your group. We’d love to have clubs come out at that time! I believe that people will be able to dry camp on the ranch if they wish, at no cost. Let me know if you wish to do this, and I’ll verify it before you send in a deposit.

Your reservation won’t be confirmed until you send a deposit of half the cost of the rockhunt. I’ll send you the details about the deposit once you tell me you are coming.

It may be possible to get a Walker Ranch rockhunt longer than 3 days, if you wish.  When you reply to this email, let me know if you’d be interested in hunting longer than the three days.  If enough people are interested, I’ll ask the owner.

The Chinati Weekend in Marfa is occurring this year on the same dates as the rockhunt, so you want to make your lodging reservations early, because the whole area usually fills up on that weekend.

Before and after the Walker trips I can host trips to the Ritchie Ranch and East Needle Peak.   The weather at East Needle Peak ought to still be quite warm.  You can get details and see photos of those locations and the material found there on my website, www.terismithrockhunts.com.

Cost for East Needle Peak is $40 per day per person, and the Ritchie is $5 per person entrance fee and $1 per lb. of good agate.  As with all my field trips, Rollin’ Rock Club membership is required unless you belong to a club that has declared that my field trips are official trips for your club (so that the SCFMS insurance applies).

Hope to hear from a bunch of you soon.


