Fall 2013 Trip Report

Trip Report, October 2013 field trips.

The October 2013 field trips were a great success, and I have now recovered enough that I can write a report about the fantastic trips we had.

First, we went to East Needle Peak for two days.  It was quite warm down there, but rains during the summer had unearthed some new material.    Besides agate, there were fossil shark teeth and bones, and selenite and calcite specimens found.  I found a cool piece of agate after aragonite, which looks like it has some barite on it, too.

The five days of the Walker Ranch hunt were fantastic!   The weather was just on the warm side of perfect.  Again, the summer rains had revealed some new material.  The road to the west of the camping area had been regarded, and the west side of the Bird Hills were much more accessible.  Lots of great agate, specimens, and labradorite were picked up.  On the busiest day, Saturday, there were more than 30 hunters on the ranch, but it wasn’t crowded.

As usual, we had our Sunday evening barbecue, thanks to Johnny French and the Antelope Lodge’s super chef, Brenda Condra.

On Monday, there was a small hunt at the Ritchie Ranch.  200 lbs of good agate were found by one person!  The Tuesday Ritchie Ranch hunt was cancelled due to rain, which has been forecast for the previous week, but waited until the last hunting day to wet everything down!

The next hunt is scheduled for the weekend of the 2014 Alpine Gem Show.  There dates will most likely be:

Monday, April 14 and Tuesday, April 15:  East Needle Peak

Wednesday, April 16 through Sunday, April 20:  Walker Ranch

Monday, April 21 and Tuesday, April 22:  Ritchie Ranch

Sunday the 20th is also Easter Sunday.

Of course all of this is still tentative.  We need 20 people for the Walker Ranch trip, as usual.  I’ll send out another email at the end of February to get sign-ups.   I’d love to hear from you sooner if you know you want to attend.

And remember that you can always schedule hunts with me for the Ritchie Ranch and East Needle Peak whenever you’d like them!




Rockhunts Start Next Monday!

We have a total of 34 people signed up for the Walker Ranch hunt. There are hunts both before and after the 5-day Walker Hunt, as shown below:

Monday, October 7: East Needle Peak. Meet at 6:30 a.m. at the Antelope Lodge. $40 per person.
Tuesday, October 8: East Needle Peak. Meet at 6:30 a.m. at the Antelope Lodge. $40 per person.
Wednesday, October 9: Walker Ranch. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Antelope Lodge.
Thursday, October 10: Walker Ranch. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Antelope Lodge if it’s your first day to hunt. Otherwise, go whenever you wish.
Friday, October 11: Walker Ranch. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Antelope Lodge if it’s your first day to hunt. Otherwise, go whenever you wish.
Saturday, October 12: Walker Ranch. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Antelope Lodge if it’s your first day to hunt. Otherwise, go whenever you wish.
Sunday, October 13: Walker Ranch. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Antelope Lodge if it’s your first day to hunt. Otherwise, go whenever you wish.
Monday, October 14: Ritchie Ranch. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Antelope Lodge. $5 entrance fee per person and $1 per lb. of agate.
Tuesday, October 15: Ritchie Ranch. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Antelope Lodge. $5 entrance fee per person and $1 per lb. of agate.

On the first day of your Walker Ranch hunt, we’ll meet at the Lodge, where I’ll collect funds and have you sign release forms. Then we’ll caravan out to the ranch and I’ll show you the combination and how to lock/unlock the gate (Doing this right is very important!). We’ll go the camping area, where I’ll hand out maps and explain to you what you can expect to find, and where you can expect to find it. After that, you’ll be free to come and go as you wish on the days you are hunting.

Remember that you need to join the Rollin Rock Club, or be a member of a club that has passed a resolution accepting my hunts as “official” club hunts, to go! Cost for RRC is $10/year single membership, $16/dual membership.

The Antelope Lodge is on the west side of Alpine on the main highway (joint 90 and 67) heading towards Marfa. We’re on the left just across from the Coca-Cola building. The number is 2310, and it’s a set of white stucco cottages with red tile roofs. We’ll meet either in front of the office or in the office. I drive a white Jeep Grand Cherokee, so I’m usually easy to find.

I led a field trip to East Needle Peak yesterday, and there has been significant rain since the last time we were there. The creek is dry, and easy to drive in most spots. There’s lots of agate on the surface, and pieces of bone and shark’s teeth. The weather was hot in the middle of the day, but it should be cooler next week, according to the meteorologists.

Please let me know which dates you will be on the Walker Ranch, and whether you are attending the other field trips. I know many of you have told me before, but I’d like a confirmation so I can have the appropriate maps and release forms printed.

Here is the latest update of attendees and fees paid:

Allen, Randy: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 75
Allison, Linda: 1 person for 2 days. Deposit paid: 0
Ash, Bill: 2 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: 150
Brownfield, Steve & Annabel: 2 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: 150
Cantou, Pierre: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 150
deHoyos, Joe: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 150
Dillon, Matt: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 75
Ellis, Robert: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 75
French, Johnny: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 75
Fritz, Glen & Patillo, Sue: 2 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: 150
Green, Ralph: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 75
Herman, Bryan & Kim and Moore, Chuck & Pam: 4 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: 300
Herrick, James: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 75
Houston, David: 1 person for 1 day. Deposit paid: 75
Houston, Travis and Alfreda: 2 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: 150
Kendall, Jim: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 150
Maple, Julia: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 75
Martin, Brice & Mary: 2 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: 150
Polve, Kiney, Vicky & David: 3 people for 3 days. Deposit paid: 225
Roberts, Terry: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 75
Tindell, Ed: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 150
Waugh, Steve: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 75
Welch, Bob: 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 0
Wilkerson, Kenny : 1 person for 3 days. Deposit paid: 75

See you next week!