A New Ranch Has Opened for Rockhunting!

The Pigmon Ranch, located between Balmorhea and Toyah, is Open NOW!

Teri Smith Rockhunts is pleased to announce the opening of the Pigmon Ranch for rockhunting.  This ranch is located between Balmorhea and Toyah, on rolling hills and flats, where you can find agate, jasper, petrified wood, flint, and chert.  There is quite a bit of blue agate on the ranch, and some of it has black, grey, or white plumes in it.  There’s also lots of other types of agate, such as fortification agates, tube agates, water-level agates, seam agates, banded agates, and saginitic agates.  And there is petrified wood, flint, and chert in great colors and patterns.

I hope to get photos and a description up on my website in the next day or so. The agates are so beautiful and varied that it will take lots of photos to give you an idea of what you can find there.

The Pigmon Ranch is about 70 miles from Alpine. It will be easy to access, as a paved county road goes right through the ranch!

Cost for the hunt is $50 per adult per day.  Children are free.  Rollin’ Rock Club membership is required ($10 for a single membership, or $16 for a dual membership.)  Contact Teri Smith at agatehunter@sbcglobal.net, or text or call (432) 386-3431.

Schedule created on 10/7/2024. If the schedule changes, a new post will be created with the new schedule.

COVID Protocols for Rock Hunts

Hi y’all! I’m back in Alpine, Texas, in time to start field trips next week. Before the fieldtrips start, there are a couple of things I’d like to tell y’all about.First, I’ve added a new hunt on Sunday, 11/15 to East Needle Peak. Starts at 8 a.m. at Tri-la-Bite, and is $40 per person. Email me if you wish to attend.Second, for all hunts, COVID protocols will be in place: wear a mask when people are gathered, or when you are carpooling with someone you don’t live with. Wash hands with hand sanitizer (bring your own), and social distance at least 6 feet. I’m afraid that means no hugs! Mask wearing is required for the fieldtrips: you must wear a mask or you don’t go on the field trip. I’m in a high-risk group (age 65, moderate emphysema), and I really want to live through all this so I can have another 35 years or so to rockhunt. Aaron’s a bit younger than I am, so he will have another 60 years of rockhunting ahead of him, which y’all don’t want to miss!


Teri and Aaron